Day 1: Abdominals<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4038

Day 1: Abdominals
Carrie Pages
Class 4038

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Summer G
2nd time through! You are an excellent instructor. Great cues and flow. I must not have paid attention well enough to see any flaws. Can't wait to look as long and strong and still smiling while doing this. Thank you!
Loved it! So challenging and fun at the same time!
Great workout! Excellent cues! My ab is on fire!! 
Elaine L
Thanks for that Carrie!  You make it look  soooo effortless! I'll aim to make it look that easy in time! ;) xo
Phyllis A
Loved this!  I will be feeling you tomorrow. 😀
I keep coming back to this one, just love the elegance and flow and feeling energized afterwards. Thank you Carrie!
Great Day 1! Due to my neck issues I did a few modifications.
Valarie O
Hi Carrie, greetings from Ireland just started your 10 day challenge today and it has been a while since I did pilates, I have always struggled with sitting up unaided from the lying down position, any tips to help me there? Looking forward to more classes thank you. 
Laurence F
By far one of the short (and intense) best abs workouts I have ever come across. Fantastic cues and such great energy! Thank you, Carrie. Could we have some more short abs workouts, please?...
Suin M
omg i love this so much! i fully enjoyed :) can't wait for my left days! thanks :)
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