I'm still talking about this session! Amy and Rachel are very special teachers. I can't articulate it as well as I hope to yet, so for now, I'll just say that I am profoundly grateful for the experience of learning from both of them.
Thanks gang. To everyone who likes this, please remember our upcoming Summer Conference starting July 14. We hope this inspires you to come join us in beautiful Boulder, CO //www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A% 2F%2Fwww.thepilatescenter.com%2Fsum mer_conference.html&h=aAQGvPz29
This is the classical workout and teaching that TPC (Rachel and Amy) are known for. Amy's cues as always are precise, specific, filled with energy, dynamic, deep, and empowering. So nice to finally see this work come to PA.
This was one of the best sessions I've ever had the honor to experience! Amy's hand's on assistance was incredible, verbal cues spot on, she pushed us but leet us have fun too! I can't wait to do this workout in my studio over and over again! Kristi....wanna do this session again with me?!!