Hip Pathologies and Pilates<br>Brent Anderson<br>Workshop 1008

Hip Pathologies and Pilates
Brent Anderson
Workshop 1008

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Hi Just purchased this workshop but noticed it said unlimited access for at least 6 months. Does this men I will no longer be able to watch the video after 6 months. I find it really useful to revisit the workshops I have purchased, periodically. and havent noticed this on previous workshops that I have purchased.
Ted Johnson
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Hi Ghillan,

Sorry that text is confusing. We have no plans of ever making this workshop unavailable and you should be able to continue accessing it for as long as you like. The "at least 6 months" is our minimum promise to you of keeping the workshop available online. In reality, I don't think we have never removed any workshops from the site nor do we have plans to do so.
I love this workshop and every time I re-watch it I learn something different about my own body as well as how I can apply this to clients... I was doing a pigeon stretch while watching this and just by using the bone rhythms (femur out, tibia spiral in) it completely took away my knee pain ( I have chondromalacia patella) and it brought instant relief... thank you Brent, love your work ... would love to see more workshops on bone rhythms (ankle and foot would be great) as well as shoulders.... PS... are you ever coming to Melbourne, Australia... cheers
Kimberly, funny you should ask, I will be teaching in Melbourne the end of August this year. Check with Polestar Australia and they can direct you. Glad your knee is feeling better. Cheers
@Brent.... I did happen upon the workshop after writing this.... and I have signed up for the Sunday workshop... am really looking forward to it.... do you have any suggestions about info on bone rhythms... as I read the franklin material but the way you explain it and put it into practice makes sense to my learning
Thank you very much for yet another brilliant workshop! I enjoyed very much moving alongside the video.
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I would like to ask if you would be willing to do a workshop on walking gait? It would be great to appreciate your brilliang guidance through the bone rhythm in gait.
Rachel K
Is this a video I can follow to do some Pilates prior to my hip replacement? I'm looking for exercises I can do before my surgery, but I'm not a Pilates instructor. I have a strong dance background and had been doing Pilates until my injury. Now I want to get in shape for my surgery so I can dance out of the hospital. I love to talk about body alignment, but right now I just need a workout I can follow. Is this it? (I hope!)
Patty Hafen
This is so helpful and informative, and I very much appreciate Dr. Anderson's sharing of his information so that I can understand it more clearly. Thank you!
Hello Brent thank-you for the workshop. I am revisiting it for a client. She has had her first hip replacement last year due to a car accident and poor bio mechanics thereafter. She is now back in my studio, her Phyiso (physical practitioner) sent the report saying she has a labrum tear and hip impingement. Interestingly her femur's prior to the op were internally rotated as she was too much pain if she externally rotated.

Can you give me any advise on the above. I am doing small range of motion as per her Orthopedics's request. I am finding she is very tight in the front of her hips and am trying to strengthen her glutes to.
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