Feel-Good Reformer<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 1086

Feel-Good Reformer
Tom McCook
Class 1086

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I discover something new each time I do this class. Thank you for your exceptional teaching!
Such a wonderful full body class!!! Love the precise cueing and such an opening flow! thank you!
Thank you! Very happy to be of service!! Happy 4th of July!
Wonderful, precise instruction. So clear in the description, that I didn’t even have to watch most of the time. That is so convenient when moving around the reformer. Thank you Tom! Elizabeth Larkam recommended you to me. She is my long time master teacher.
I loved your class. It’s in my queue!
Thank you Maria, happy to hear you enjoyed the class and found it easy to follow and embody! Also happy to hear you've had the good fortune of training with Elizabeth Larkam. She's a dear friend and colleague and excellent teacher. All the best to you!
Michael Mary S
Thanks for a wonderful class. Your manner and voice is very soothing and the cuing flows just like the class.
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McCook's deliberate pace and calming voice fooled me at first- but I soon realized this was a creative and intense class. Great beginner and intermediate moves. McCook's cues enabled to deepen my work during familiar exercises and learn unfamiliar ones I can now add to my repertoire.
Kathleen B
1 person likes this.
Love the Chorography... Love your style.. love your queuing... when are you teaching another class?
1 person likes this.
I love to revisit this class an your wonderful cueing!
Thank you Betsy! Very happy to help you have a fulfilling practice!
Thank you Pilates Anytime!
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