Short Box Series<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Exercise 1942

Short Box Series
Kristi Cooper
Exercise 1942

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I loved the last variation--giving the hip flexors a slight break while still recruiting the legs and abdominals and using them synergistically. Thank you!
Thanks Lori! I LOVE the short box series!
Annie G
2 people like this.
I really love your series,
I'm hoping to see more of this. As a Student teacher it is amazing for review, referral. I Hoping to see more and more of these short video of exercises. Thank you a million time
1 person likes this.
Très didactique, très bien expliqué, impeccablement bien exécuté. Merci beaucoup. Thank you so much.
Would love to see more of these short videos Kristi, they're perfect for teacher training!
Thanks Kristi, love the way you explain the entire movement.
Thanks Theresa!
Hi Kristi Cooper and Meredith Rogers! I love you both so much and just wanted to ask when one does these exercises do the feet touch the front of the reformer (wooden plank) or are they floating pulling towards the outside of the foot strap. I have an equilibrium reformer in South Africa and my feet touch the plank. Should I put the box further back to encourage floating feet? Thanks for your awesome videos!
sa weet!!!   thank you

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