Sprinkle 2: Yawning<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Special 3799

Sprinkle 2: Yawning
Sarah Bertucelli
Special 3799

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1 person likes this.
Wonderful reminder and visual - yawn with the sun, yawn with the earth. I’ll take this with me today. Thank you!
Matthew S
1 person likes this.
yes - what a lovely idea. Thanks.
Awesome Matthew
Summer G
1 person likes this.
You are fantastic! I am really enjoying the daily dose!
Thank you Summer G!  Glad the Daily Dose is working for you.  Take care and keep me posted!!
Gaia R
Just the name you came up with: "sprinkle"... beautiful and inspiring! Thank you! You're like the Tinkerbell of pilates!

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