Day 1: The Essential Flow<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5088

Day 1: The Essential Flow
Laura Hanlon
Class 5088

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This was perfect early in the morning to wake up my body. Thank you! 
Kate K
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Hi Laura, thank you for the class, it is very enjoyable! I have a question regarding the breathing pattern. In every class I've been to before in the 'toe taps' exercise we would  exhale as we're taping the floor and inhale as we're lifting it back to table top. You instruct to do it the other way round (inhale to tap, exhale to came back to table top). Could you please explain why you teach it like that? Does it provide a better pelvic floor connection? Thank you and I find your classes very fun and enjoyable!
Laura$fraser">Fraser I am so happy to hear that you are still enjoying our classes and content virtually! Sending hugs to OC!
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Hi Kate K ! Thank you for your question. I have practiced both breathing patterns for "toe taps" and settled on teaching it this way in my videos. Personally, I feel the deeper core connection that happens on the exhale when lifting my leg/legs back up helps support my back and access the transverse abdominals and pelvic floor when doing so. I don't think one way is necessarily better/worse, easier/harder. It's always good to switch it up!
Thank you for this! I loved the warmup, the cues, and your creative transitions between traditional movements.
Lauren S
Such a lovely flow! I loved all of the cues- I found the "ice cube" under the belly during swan prep to be helpful
I’m doing this challenge again this week. I’m feeling stronger and stronger! Thank you, Laura!
Hannah C
Brilliant class - thank you.
Barbara P
Thank you. This one was all that I needed! 
Lauren B
Such a great evening flow and definitely crept up on me at the end! Really enjoyed the transitions between exercises and the pace was great.
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