Dynamic Flexibility<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5224

Dynamic Flexibility
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5224

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Thank you Marcia K !!
Kaisa L a very lovely comment.  Thank you so much for taking this class...one of many great things about PA, you can revisit this class every day!!   Take care and "see" you again soon. 
Kendra W
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This was so, so enjoyable Sarah! Thank you for creating and teaching in such a wonderful way!!
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Sarah, this was truly amazing; thank you for sharing with us!  
The precision and control so typical of BASI-trained instructors really shone through, but with your own typical organic, playful style.
I had a blast teaching this to my group mat class today (fortunately, everyone was able to laugh at themselves, when they lost their balance or got a little tangled up, LOL), and look forward to bringing some of these movements back, during private sessions. 

Warm wishes for a healthy spine!
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great class, thank you :))
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this was awsome, Sarah! So much fun to play with you! Thanks for all the inspiration!
That felt GREAT! Thank you! 
Thank you Kendra!!
Hi Abbie,  I just love knowing  this class worked for you and that you shared with your students.  It does take a little practice learning which words to use to get the shapes moving... my clients also get tangled up a bit too(as do I!!!). Moving with joy and some sense of ease is what really matters.  thank you so very much for "playing" with me.  I hope you continue to enjoy the ideas and "see" you soon.  Take care!!
Thank you Alice P !!
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