Push Through Mat<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5260

Push Through Mat
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5260

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2 people like this.
Wow, what can I see absolutely loved the use of the push trough bar throughout.  Thank you for an amazing first class in the series!
2 people like this.
How ! Thanks so much, I loved all the shoulder stuff
Ariane A Thank you 🙏🏼! This workout helps my body so much for many different reasons! Happy you like it too!
Laurie K Thank you Laurie! 🙏🏼 All these shoulder blade moves helped me rehab my shoulder last year! 😉 Glad you like it!
fantastic, thank you Ilaria, it was challenging and fun; more of tower/cadillac videos please!!
Paulina Thank you Paulina! Happy you like it! Yes! Stay tuned for more classes 😉
2 people like this.
Beautiful class, super professional, loved it 
1 person likes this.
Perfect instruction, apparatus, and challenge for my body! I will do this class several more times to acquire more strength and finesse. Thank you!!
Marisol B Thank you Marisol! 🙏🏼
Nadine T 🙌🏻 Wonderful! Happy you like the class 😘
1-10 of 43

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