Courtney's Go-To Mat<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5866

Courtney's Go-To Mat
Courtney Miller
Class 5866

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Barbara O
1 person likes this.
Found MY new to-go workout 😍 beautiful flow, Courtney!
Maryna Z
1 person likes this.
Amazing as usual!! Thank you!

Strong class that keeps moving, some new things to work on. Great work Courtney
Rashida M
This was great! Thank you.
Rachel M
Those glut exercises are killer!! :D thank you Courtney!
This was perfect!! Thank you, Courtney. Love your sequences and teaching style. Always a great workout. 
Challenging but feels good afterwards. Thank you for the great 30 mins.
Chuhang G
What a great class to start off my day! Thank you Courtney for another great workout!
Amy H
Great 30-minute class -  on holiday had my band with me, grabbed a cushion as my ball and I had the perfect holiday class, Thanks.
Lina S
Great class as always! I was missing your workouts!
1-10 of 25

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