hi i have L4 L5 bulging disk, worse still is my sacroililac joint is giving me serious trouble. my ostiopath is having serious difficulty getting it into the right position, anyway i was wondering what pilates moves could do without bothering those areas, and or that would help these problems?? thank you
This is a very difficult question with a complex answer that would not be appropriate for any of us to answer online. To To help you solve this trouble, you need to be with someone and provide them with much more information. Do you have an instructor in your area that can work with your Osteopath? Perhaps we can help you find someone in your area that is qualified to assist you. Pilates can be great for the ailments you list, but without proper guidelines and knowing what you need specifically, it can also worsen the situation. I wish we could be more helpful and that you felt better right away.
Dozydeliah How do you know its your SIJ causing you pain and not referred pain from the disc bulge? Or you may find that the SIJ pain is caused by an imbalance in the pelvis due to the muscles protecting the inflamed tissues around the disc. Many of my disc pain patients initially present with pain in the SIJ area - its very common. Whatever the case, I agree with Kristi regarding offering advice on a forum but I would also add that you must be kind to yourself for a while and give your tissues time to heal. (I'm an osteopath)
hi susie " SIJ pain is caused by an imbalance in the pelvis due to the muscles protecting the inflamed tissues around the disc"
your exactly right. i just couldnt put it into words properly. unfortunatly i work as a barber, in a really busy shop. i have reduced my hours so i only work 3 days a week, but i dont know how long more i can even keep that up. I,m really getting conflicting advice, yet nobody is pointing me in any direction in regards to strengthening what i need too to help myself. My calf and hamstring have gotten so tight, so basicialy which is kinder!!!! gentle stretches for my calf hamstring??? or just lying still??? hot patches, or cold compresses. i thought stabilizing my pelvis would be key????? ahhhhhh yours confused!
I don't know how your healthcare system work in USA as I'm in the UK but you probably ought to see your doctor to look at some pain control. I wouldn't stretch too much whilst things are acute. If you have compression on a nerve from a disc and you stretch the nerve (sciatic nerve stretch is similar to a hamstring and calf stretch) you may just irritate the nerve further. If it was my back I'd go for gentle mobilizations and pain relief from my doctor. Research suggests that bed rest isn't a good idea. Keep moving gently but don't do too much. Work within your pain limits and use hot or cold patches as feels right for your body. Irritated nerves can take a long time to settle so you may have to be patient. Go see you doctor and don't despair discs do get better. Stabilizing your pelvis will be the answer once your out of lots of pain.
ya its just i have narcolepsy so im on a load of weird meds so they were reluctant to put me on anymore meds, until i cleared it with my neuroligest( dont mind my spelling) but they have just given me valium now to try and calm the spastic muscles. im in ireland by the way. and thanks for your help
thank you