Julia's Home Routines for Desk-jockeys

Go To This Playlist

This list is for everyone who is committed to making progress in Pilates, but prefers unrushed, focused movement that also helps to relieve the stress of daily life. Personally, while I enjoy a challenging real-life class one... (more)

Moira M
Yes! This list is fabulous and many on here are go-tos for me also. Thank you for compiling this Julia!
1 person likes this.
Moira a thank you so much for commenting! So glad you like my list! (and sorry for taking so long to reply, I didn't notice your comment until today...)
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What a wonderful idea, Julia. Many thanks for taking the time to share with us all. I find myself getting on/off my pilates practice due to work etc, and just the thought of going to do a long or "heart/hard"-pumping class can have me stray from my best intentions of moving my body, stretching and strengthening her at the same time. With your playlist I get loads of inspiration and can cut away the "which" class should I do today... Thank you :) 
So nice to hear Marie! Thanks for the great feedback :) 

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