Elongating Reformer<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 693

Elongating Reformer
Courtney Miller
Class 693

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great class!
Tara E
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Love, love, love this class! Thank you!!!
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I adore your classes, Courtney! Impeccable cuing, great pacing—always so challenging, but I feel so energized afterward! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!!
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This was amazing. I was feeling really sorry for myself, having to go to work in -1,000 degree weather in Minnesota, but this changed the course of my day. Thank you Courtney and PA! :)
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Courtney -- I'd love to see as many long reformer classes as you can fit in! Yay! Can't wait to take your new classes.
Courtney Miller
Hi Everyone!! I've got some exciting news about my next Pilates Anytime visit!! For the first time ever we are doing a video Q&A between myself and all the awesome Pilates Anytime members ??!!! I LOVE getting all of your questions and comments, now it's your chance to get detailed explanations with a personalized message from me on camera! Comment below with your Pilates questions so I can answer on film during my upcoming visit this month!! Ask about: form and alignment, advancements or progressions, anatomy or Pilates philosophy, teaching tips and cuing, personalizing YOUR Pilates practice and more!! Questions must be received by end of the day TODAY in the form of a comment below ?? If you want to know the answer to a question, chances are a lot of other people do to! Let's help each other evolve, expand and inspire our Pilates! Thank you for all your love and support!!
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It's still true, this is a favorite! I'm learning that I am not so much a Pilates junky so much as a STOTT (with Courtney) fan. Your style is so conducive to my focus on strength and form over (hyper)flexibility. Thank you for all of your skill, and knowledge. Keep it coming!
i love courtney miller's classes, she is an amazing instructor and i find it very easy to follow her. her instructions band demonstration is very clear and precize.
You do such an amazing job with describing how things should feel! Thanks so much for another great class! Hope to see a lot more from you!
I still love this class Miss C
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