Loving Kindess Meditation<br>Bobbee Kellner<br>Class 721

Loving Kindess Meditation
Bobbee Kellner
Class 721

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Just discovered this meditation. Truly touched, thank you.
1 person likes this.
Thank you for this beautiful meditation, Bobbee. Tears are flowing, but in a good, much needed cathartic way. I can't remember the last time I allowed myself such a gift. Thank you for this lovely reminder that self care is essential, and not to be put on the back burner. This is one to revisit again and again. Hugs to you!
Pilates is my meditation but more focused meditation practice is needed for me, so thank you and please can we have more.
Cheryl S
does not play for me>??????
Thank you, Bobbee!! So needed this meditation at this time in life, and in the world right now. May you be healthy and happy, and living in ease. So grateful for your teachings, and wishing you well.
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