Quick Wunda Chair<br>Rachel Taylor Segel<br>Class 825

Quick Wunda Chair
Rachel Taylor Segel
Class 825

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Hi everyone, one Of my teachers at The Pilates Ctr., Kaile, talks about pulling the springs away from the clip. This is a fabulous experience give it a try! Rachel
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The commitment to integrity and precision throughout this class set a perfect example of teaching the Pilates Method . The theme of the feet and their importance with the sole and "not the big toe joint" etc. through the whole lesson ...so very fine ! Thank-you Amy. It's time to post the next chair class!! Hint hint.

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Springs, etc: With instructors used to teaching on a certain piece of equipment (and with equipment sometimes only coming with 3 choices, sometimes with 4, etc.), stating a clear " Put the springs on 2 and 3", might not work considering the Chair and the body. Since this class is not Level 1, there's an understanding that person at home has had formal instruction before trying to do this video, and there's also the assumption that you know your own Chair. That's why Rachel and others say "Springs are [one] High and [one] Low". Also, just like on the Reformer, there's "standards" for spring tension, but you know what you're working with in regards to your strength, stamina, injuries, etc. We have to give the people we are watching a little grace because they are teaching the people they are in front of, and we get the opportunity to watch the video once through before we work out- we get to pause, adjust, skip exercises, etc.

Great class, Rachel
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Exceptional cuing and understanding of integrated movement. She's responding to the individual bodies in the moment and hence 'feeling her way' with spring tension far better than pre-deciding.
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Absolutely fabulous cueing, I really enjoyed following along with you doing this workout. I am looking forward to many more here and visiting the studio in Boulder again soon. Thank you!
Andy M
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I coudn’t love you more Rachel Taylor Segel x x x x
I love the way my feet and legs feel after doing this class. Tons to think about!
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I so enjoyed this class. I could feel the difference in the strength in the arch of my feet.  I did a very beginner reformer workout with Rachel on PA, then followed it with this chair class. Such great cueing, my legs were shaking by the time I got to footwork on the chair.  I'm glad it wasn't a longer class!!!
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