Flow and Combinations<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 816

Flow and Combinations
Courtney Miller
Class 816

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Thank you for another great class! Excellent cueing and flow. Had a great workout. Hope to see more of you
Really enjoyed using the heavier springs, the weights, and the coordination. As always, perfect cues, perfectly timed. Thank you!
Wonderful, wonderful...workout! Wow, Bravo Courtney, bravo! :) 
Thanks Courtney - I'm energised to go teach my class now! x
Amazing class! Non-stop flow and challenging the whole body. Thank you!
This was a great workout. I love the way you combine weights with more conventional pilates movements.
This was the workout with a difference I needed!  Will have to redo a few times to achieve the flow, fabulous queing .
Natalie H
Mark Hamilton
Great Class Courtney! Loved the flow. Short box series at the end was a killer. Really love how you alway add rotation to almost every series and class. Best wishes this holiday season. Ready for XC skiing here in Canada. Safe travels.
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