Non-Traditional Exploration<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 257

Non-Traditional Exploration
Amy Havens
Class 257

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Enjoyed your class today, love the stretch for my very tight hip flexers!
Hi Cindy! Glad you enjoyed class and thanks for the feedback. Nice hearing from you!

another great class by you a beginner, i found this whole workout very instructive and helpful...
Sylvia, such kind words, thank you so much! I really valuable comments by our viewers.....I'm happy to hear this workout was instructive! Hope to hear from you again!
I loved your class, added to my favorites =). I absolutely love Pilates anytiime, I never have to leave my house! Thank you!
Hi Paula, so glad you enjoyed this class and just as important.....we're glad you are enjoying the site! Don't forget to go to a regular live studio class from time to time too. Hands on instruction and correction from well trained teachers will keep you reaching your goals and taking you to your next level. Can't wait to hear from you again!
wonderful hip work. I really enjoyed. I struggled with more of the class as my hamstrings are tight. I found many moves demanding but enjoyed it. thankyou
Thank you for your feedback Heather. Tight hamstrings can absolutely make a difference when taking class....I've been there too. Keep stretching and moving!!
Thanks Amy! The hip workout was just for me!! I had a hip injury a year ago and this class was great, really enjoyed it! My hips feel wonderful!! Thank you thank you!!! :)
Hi Nicole! So glad you enjoyed this class and the hip work felt yummy to you! I appreciate your feedback very much.
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