Heart Pumping Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 1167

Heart Pumping Mat
Amy Havens
Class 1167

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Amy is one of my favourite teachers, and I really enjoy all of her classes. This was was perfect for a post-office workout, when I needed to feel energised and strong but was a bit short on time. Will definitely go back to it again!
Thank you so much Sara!
Laurie C
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Amy, I was short on time this morning but I really wanted to get a good workout in. This class is amazing! The pace was perfect got my heart rate going as well! I love your classes. Every time I take your class I learn something! Your cueing was spot on. What really got my attention is when you said a “mindful inch!” I have the tendency to move with just my body and not use my mind as I should. This really got me to dig a dipper using mind and body!

Thank you!!
Tiara J
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ACH! This class is so good I could cry. Thank you Amy! 
So glad you enjoyed this classLaurie  and Tiara !!  Thanks gals!
A great class to do at home during lockdown! Dust off those weights.
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Thank you Genevieve Malcolm  -- sorry it took me this long to respond!  And happy you liked this too Lisa Press !
Loved this one! Great addition of the reformer exercises.
Mark Hamilton
Great class Amy! Thanks! Going to try to dive into PA archives and create a journey. Here's to moving in 2024. Safe travels.
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