Pilates for Scoliosis<br>Madeline Black<br>Workshop 1261

Pilates for Scoliosis
Madeline Black
Workshop 1261

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Anastasia A
1 person likes this.
Great course. I would have loved to see a slide on propping to keep the information fresh in my mind
I’ve been working with someone for two years who has scoliosis- she has had a left hip replacement and has forward head carriage and extremely stiff hips also her left leg is an inch shorter she never keeps any weight on it. Looking for guidance and ideas in this workshop. She had Perthys as a child 
Madeline Black
Hi Elizabeth, I hope you found the workshop helpful. This workshop was built around Gaby's, the client in this video, scoliosis pattern. Your client has complications of  Perthes and hip replacement. Keep in mind that some of the movements and specific cueing may not be appropriate or effective  for your client. Thank you.
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