Feel-Good Pilates Arc<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 1289

Feel-Good Pilates Arc
Lisa Hubbard
Class 1289

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Very cool workout, thanks Lisa! The only drawback is one move that's quite hard for level 1/2: Grabbing both my feet behind me (while lifting the legs upwards; the move shown in the preview image) just doesn't work for me. How can I modify and what's a good way to practice getting there? I think the main problem is that my Hamstrings are too tight, plus maybe the lower back too. Thanks in advance!
Lisa Hubbard
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Julia R thank you for join g me class! I love your question and feedback. Most definitely the Rocking position is difficult on its own! Typically when the hip flexors & the lower back are tight and hamstrings not optimal (hip extension) it’s best to focus on opening those areas in the body & conditioning the hamstrings. Modified can be reaching into the pose - emulating the exercise as best as the body is ready to. Some use props (strap/band) to assist with extension. I hope this helps 🙏
Thank you Lisa Hubbard ! :) The Theraband is an excellent idea, I will try it.
Elizabeth S
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Lisa - people are still using this class!  I just got my arc this weekend and am enjoying playing with it.  This workout is exactly what I needed to open up everything before I go to work.  I'm going to feel this all day.   Thanks for an excellent and timeless workout. 
Lisa Hubbard
Elizabeth S it has been ages since this was recorded! Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your experience. It is nice to know that you’ve come back to it again to feel open all day! TY
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