Reformer Box on the Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2087

Reformer Box on the Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2087

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Hi Patti....thank you! I enjoy 'playing' and creating, taking concepts and principles from the work and putting them on different things. Glad you agree!
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WowWowWow!! Everything after the side-lying twists!! Completely new movement experience for me. Definitely need to delve more and get into some equipment classes! And while I didn't have a reformer box I used one of my giant bins full of Christmas decorations. TOTALLY worked for me!
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Miriam.....thank you SO much!! I love your creativity with the Christmas decorations box....that totally something I would do too!! :)
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I loved how "reformer class" hit me so differently than reformer class. That was just great! Don't know if I will ever get a teaser done without the help of the reformer, but I will keep trying this class.
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Keep on trying that Teaser Lori -- it will come sometime off the box, I promise it will! Mine has....practice, practice, practice!
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Amy Havens Just wanted you to know you were right and I can do a teaser now..not a fabulous one yet, but I am working on it. I also wanted to thank you for your encouragement and your great teaching. You have been so very helpful to me.
Lori -- YES!!!! This is wonderful girl! This comment has warmed my heart! Keep up the practice and have fun with the process --- learning new skills takes time. I'm so happy for you!!
Thank you so much.  Really got me moving.  Love your work as always.
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