Proprioception Challenge<br>Cecile Bankston<br>Class 2147

Proprioception Challenge
Cecile Bankston
Class 2147

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Cecile Bankston ! Where are you?! I love doing your classes, especially this gem!
Hi Denver, I’m so happy you like my classes! Pilates Anytime now has so many teachers that they just cannot invite everyone every year, but hopefully I will be back at some point, I’ve got lots of new stuff!
Lizetta Z
Great class!!!!!!
Paola Maruca
It would be nice to see Cecile back on PA...
Thanks so much! Would love to be back again!
Superbe workout. Thank you Cecile and Taylor!
Why is demonstrator looking so unhappy and bored?  I see a few eye rolls too ;(
21-27 of 27

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