Challenge Your Coordination<br>Alan Herdman<br>Class 2298

Challenge Your Coordination
Alan Herdman
Class 2298

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Jo Landis Shields
Hi Alan, wow I look back at these videos with humility and gratitude! I'm the slow learner in the purple tights. -I'm laughing now that it took our third hour together on that day to finally perform a pelvic CURL! I can really see my long yoga history in my movements there. Well, since then, I transitioned to Pilates, first as a student and now finally a teacher. I learned so much about the mechanics of my body that day and I thank you so much for being so thorough and exacting with our every articulation of movement. I try to emulate your perfectionism in my teaching too.
Kind Regards,
Jo Shields
Lorie H
Instructional, allowing time to pay attention to your body and movements. Thank you.
Kim B
His cueing is obvious confusing for this class.  Needs better cueing.  This is why I am watching his video is to understand good cueing 
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