Quick Reformer Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2453

Quick Reformer Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 2453

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Didn’t have a lot of time today, but this gave me everything I wanted! Quick and powerful. Loved the abdominal warm up and the spine stretch variations. Oh, and my breaststroke needs practice. Thanks fora great half hour. 
Lacey M you are the nicest!!
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Hi Meredith, just want to share that I've done this session 22x, starting in 2016! Hope you can make more Level 2/3 sessions of 30-35 minutes - really helps when I'm short on time but I can still get in a full fantastic workout. Thanks!
Carla  I am so delighted to hear that!  I will certainly keep that in mind when I am asked to film again.
Jill Y
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Love this short but very challenging video! Love u Meredith! Thanku for sharing your gift with us♥️👏🏻
Jill Y My pleasure!!  Thank you for taking class with me.
1 person likes this.
What a great total body work out! Love it….challenging, but not too
Andrea Karrs thank you for taking class with me!
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