Tower Balance Challenge<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 2615

Tower Balance Challenge
Tash Barnard
Class 2615

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Awesome workout following the basi block system in a creative way :)
Lillian Beales - SA
Thanks Tashie, this session was amazing, I love that I can still partake in your amazing pilates sessions even though I can't get to your stunning studio ??????
That was so beautiful to observe - thank you Tash
Gorgeous flow, perfect cueing. Thanks as always for the inspiration Tash!
Always great to workout with Tash! Xx
Robin S
I just have to say ~ that this should come with some kind of warring like " don't do this alone ~ or must have great balance skills" I've been at this for decades and this was the first time a teacher put leg straps with a foam roller.........ya ~ challenging; there must be a better adjective than that. lol ~ I have to say I found it close to impossible to get geared up on the roller with the straps then once engaged; well, lets just say it wasn't pretty. 
great workout over all really enjoyed and a great humbling experience
 in where my balance is actually at.

1 person likes this.
Love these exercises, thanks for this awesome class!
I like the hip flexor stretches on the roller and the balance exercises on the roller - always nice to see how she uses the basi block system in a creative way 
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