Building Up to Deep Squats<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Tutorial 2567

Building Up to Deep Squats
Sarah Bertucelli
Tutorial 2567

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Lina S
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Thank you. I'm having a foot surgery next December and I found some relief with your feet exercises (with the tennis ball).
Hi Sarah I enjoyed this little tutorial. Question if I may? I find my hyper-mobile clients really struggle with deep squats is it a safe position to take them into and would this exploration of movement help them?

Much thanks
Hi Marqueritta,
Without seeing the client move, It is difficult for me to offer advice. Having said that, the most important guideline is to avoid pain. A person with hypermobile joints, will likely need to work on finding the muscular strength to support moving to and from the deep squat position. I do work on this position in some way with all of my clients. For those who cannot support the low position, we use the reformer, or step barrel. Good luck!
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Great tutorial & explanation of your goal. (That it is not a fitness squat.) Like your cues; folding, be at ease, enjoy, soft front of ankle, hip movement is not a functional ("don't pay attention to abd or neutral spine) it is a release. Great modifications with yoga block & pillows and pole. Start with assessment, release foot, ankle, hips, knees reassess. Love the tennis ball! Love the stretch on my sacrum at the end. Thanks!
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Wow what a big difference side to side when you have one foot forward verses the other! 
Elizabeth D identifying our asymmetries is the first step to creating more balance.  I just love hearing this class helped you "feel" the difference.  Take care! 
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