Full-Body Athletic Reformer<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 2849

Full-Body Athletic Reformer
Maria Leone
Class 2849

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1 person likes this.
Maria, this was one of the most enjoyable classes I’ve ever done ❤️🙏🏻
Thank you Sue!  You just made my day!
Elissa M
To ALL instructors. Please give a little more time for spring changes. 
A+++ solid total body workout, intelligent variations that have a purpose, no nonsense cueing.  Maria, thanks!! xx

You’re a phenomenal instructor. Love your clases.
Carole  S
WOW - what a fantastic class. I enjoyed it a lot and will add it to my "favorites". Going to do all your classes!!! Thank you so much Maria.
Thank you for a great class and wonderful cues and which springs to use!
Marithé Lessard
Love this ,,,thank you
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