I loved this, but I did realize I had forgotten how to breathe. LOL. I sent this to Ali too. She is really trying to work on that baby body to turn into her dancer body again.
Hi Kay ! I'm so glad you enjoyed this class and oh yes, the breathing!!! It's a real thing isn't it?!! Happy to help Ali with any class ideas -- we have SO many great classes on this site!!
I can't wait for this challenge and what a great class to start with. I find it is something I am continually working on to ensure full breath throughout all movements so I found this so helpful and also that I could get more out of my movements through the breath focus. Thank you Amy!!
Welcome to this challenge Katherine E !!! Yes, getting full breath in our movements can be very challenging indeed. It's always a practice! Enjoy the 10 class challenge, glad you're here!
Karen M thank you... yes! I've heard this before from a few of my singer PA members and so happy it complimented your skills!! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!~