Environmental Change<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3058

Environmental Change
Amy Havens
Class 3058

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This was awesome! Thanks for this great series and variation of exercises. I loved your way of changing and adapting - I really feel more energized and positve! Thanks Amy and stay well and healthy!
Thank you Birgit N for taking this entire challenge, congratulations for getting though it!  Happy you enjoyed the variety, that was my goal!  Take Good Care!
Meira H
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Thank you Amy for this challenge. This was my first challenge in Pilates Anytime. My normal pilates classes are on a summer holiday and I find it hard to motivate myself to do pilates at home by myself. This made it a lot easier. Greetings from sunny and hot Finland!
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Congratulations for completing the challenge Meira H and happy to hear this was your first one here on PA!  Keep up all the great work and hello to you in HOT Finland!  I've got students there (virtually) and have seen the weather as of late, yes, very very hot!!
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Beautiful class, love the outdoor environment elements and cueing, the mind body connection, thanks Amy!
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Rachel Thank you so much for taking class with me!
Finally got through the challenge - kept me sane through an intercontinental move! Thank you Amy - will definitely revisit the series in the future.
AilsaB wonderful, congratulations!  I'm so happy you got through the challenge and that it helped during that big move, wow!!  Thanks for being here!
I've been away from Pilates for a while.  I immediately jumped back in to your videos, Amy! I had to modify a lot to get through this series, and I couldn't manage class 9.  But this has been so beneficial!  Your work is amazing:)
Fast paced and fun! Thanks Amy!! Loved the change of scenery and surprised the train didn't go by yet I'm sure the class was timed perfectly
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