Balance is Key<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3050

Balance is Key
Amy Havens
Class 3050

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Yes Lina S , so good to be on the receiving end!  Glad you're enjoying this!
1 person likes this.
I loved this class, the reminder about the standing leg at the first series of exercises was very helpful as I kept forgetting it was about the standing leg. The work with the weights was hard on the arms but in a good way. Thank you Amy!
Lovely class Amie, love your cues! 
Jennifer A Yes... that standing leg matters!!  Thanks for taking class with me!!  And that you too Silvia P , glad you enjoyed this class too!
Carla R
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Another beautiful class Amy, thank you!!!! Made me think of my ballet days, funny how quick that goes!!!
Carla R , yes.. time sure does go by quickly!!  Thank you for taking class with me!!

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