Swan on the Reformer<br>Blossom L.<br>Tutorial 3210

Swan on the Reformer
Blossom L.
Tutorial 3210

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Cheryl Z
Thanks for showing Jillian Hessel does a similar thing on the Ball. She work with Kathy Grant also your cues change the way I think of the practice. Feel more connected.
I found this quite on accident today while searching various terms, but interestingly, was challenged to do this move today for the first time in a beginner class. We only did a torso lift and torso shift so nothing near this advanced. But the instruction was to lay on the box at the edge where your torso and leg meet - in that fold. So I did and was quickly like "YIKES!" No ma'am. Thanks for being honest and fun about the pubic bone or I might have thought it was me - something was wrong with me. The leg fold ain't it and adjusting is the way to go!
Helen W
Fabulous tutorial. Loved the use of different bodies. This is such a tricky exercise to teach but remarkably satisfying when performed correctly. Thank you, Blossom
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