Sacroiliac Intervention<br>Sherri Betz<br>Class 3430

Sacroiliac Intervention
Sherri Betz
Class 3430

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Jason R
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Too true Sherri!:) The CNS activates muscle patterns, not single muscles, and so many factors go into how it does that. Thanks for the informative tutorial.
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Great tutorial x SO much information I LOVE this - thank you x
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This was great, thank you! The lumbar extension has to do with the angle and height of the push through bar not just her individual movement patterns. In the gym we’d use a cable or ankle weight or a donkey kick machine.
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Amazing tutorial and so useful thank you ! 
1 person likes this.
Thank you for sharing your expertise Sherri. So valuable in order to help more clients and myself included. I will watch again and again .
Christine S
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This is so informative. Thank you Sherri your tutorials are brilliant :)
Patty Hafen
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This was incredibly helpful and enlightening. I learned so much and I’m so thankful to you Sherry and PA.
Sherri Betz
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Patty Hafen Christine S Laura Ely Jo D Jaime L thank you all for your positive feedback!  Glad you enjoy the tutorials!
1 person likes this.
Omg, I have had such pain for like 6 months on my right inner thigh & I also have had SI pain in the past. Let me just say all PT are not like Sherri. Totally wish I could have a couple of sessions with Sherri Betz! This is just what I need. 
Sherri Betz
Jocelyn N thanks  You so much for the positive feedback!  I am always thrilled to know that my suggestions have helped to relieve pain even in some small way! And you are welcomed to contact me anytime for a telehealth session!
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