Advanced Mat Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3767

Advanced Mat Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 3767

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Joanne D
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Thank you for a great class, Meredith!  I always avoid Swan Dive because of my back, but with the way you broke it down, I was able to try it, and I did it pretty well!...much better than I thought I even could.  I'm so grateful! 
Joanne way to go!! What great news.  I think sometimes we mentally limit our abilities.  Good for you for trying and succeeding!
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Meredith-you’re my hero. You make the roll up look so graceful and effortless! I’m forever working to bring more of my (Short!) spine and thighs to the mat. What cues are you saying to yourself and muscles are you engaging to get there?
For we here at home watching from a smaller screen, a single instructor is easier to follow.  This was probably the hardest routine I have taken at this site, and the easiest to follow. Thanks Meredith!
What a terrific compliment Gary!  Thank you very much.

Laura are you speaking of the roll over?  When the legs are overhead?  If so, I'm thinking of using my abdominals to deepen my spinal curve as I bring the legs down toward the floor and my spine toward the mat.  Keep in mind that flexibility is a factor here too both in the hamstrings as well as in the back.  Did I answer the right question? Please let me know!
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One of only 2 classes I've done more than once.  Great flow, hard, and followable. Thanks Again Meredith:) 
Gary that makes me very happy to hear!  Thank YOU!
I’ve been on Pilates Anytime since the Kristi started it and as much as I try to take from different teachers I always come back to you Meredith. It’s like you’re my comfort zone. :)
Lauren then we've all been together all along...thank you for your sweet feedback it made my day.
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