Renew<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 4274

Courtney Miller
Class 4274

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Lily M
This kicked my butt! She is so talented!
Helen S
Loved this flow!  Thank you!
Jen M
Amazing amazing amazing!!! Such a great class and so different x
Robin S
yogalatties ~ LOVEIT thank you 
Love this class. Great flow and overall workout. She’s my favorite instructor.
Thanks Courtney- I LOVE this!! This is by far one the best comprehensive & ways to use the refomer for the entire flow. The refreshing way you integrated the reformer for Pilates & yoga as well as including the stretching was fabulous. Great variations & modifications on the “standards” . I always look forward to your videos!
Tracey R
1 person likes this.
I love all of Courtney’s classes they are the best! Any new ones coming soon?
sooo good! & yassss NKOTB!!! haha love it!
That went so fast! Love the creativity and pace! Why does the reformer feel so away in the tap the back knee lunges!!! You rock Courtney 
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