Articulation<br>Danica Kalemdaroglu<br>Class 4375

Danica Kalemdaroglu
Class 4375

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Wow! My spine needed this articulation class today! Feeling my pelvis more centered and aligned! Thank you Danica🙏🏼
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This class is a lesson in moving.  Most helpful for me, and useful for teaching in the future, was taking time to feel when you go from hip flexion to pelvic tilt.  I know many of us have been over it dozens of times, but her careful guidance through the transition was a great review that keeps the stance leg involved.
Fiona O
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That was a super class. Thank you so much, I feel great!!!
And your energy is infectious:) 
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I just need to say it again .... LOVE THIS CLASS and so do my virtual students!! Thanks again

Shelly B
Thanks!! it was very illustrated and flowing in body.
Shelly B
Great lesson!! Teaches, experienced and full of insights in body and mind! Thank U :)
Danica, I so enjoy your workouts.  I find I am doing your series about once or twice a year.  But I find that I really need to do this series more often.  Your cueing is clear, precise and has such a creative flare!  Keep it up!
Thanks for this great class, Danica. Your enthusiasm is contagious. 
You Rock.  Especially love the way you teach and your strong but fun attitude.  Thanks for sharing.
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