Balancing The Spine<br>Rachel Taylor Segel<br>Class 4416

Balancing The Spine
Rachel Taylor Segel
Class 4416

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Cynthia G
2 people like this.
So much to still learn.  Your students are so lucky but thanks for sharing with us out here.  Thanks PA too.
2 people like this.
Thank you very much for a very interesting class! Sometimes I just watched and appreciated!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
What about the 70% of the  population with Forward Head? And let's not forget the Covid 25.  What are the modifications??
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There's so much to praise in this series I may need to make extra comments.  This is like a very active lecture.  But there will be times you might want to watch Shireena (the demonstration student) or just listen while looking at Rachel.  I suggest taking this active lecture after you've done a 30 minute class to warm up and have some more fluidity in the body to try the adjustments Rachel cues.
I’m so glad so many of you enjoy and take so much from my class. Thank you for posting (-:
Rhiannon W
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I found this session really informative, especially the change of thinking sitz bone narrow and wide. Thank you! I'm looking forward to the others in this series.
1 person likes this.
What a fabulous class!  I am so looking forward to integrating some of Rachel's cueing into my classes.
Great cues...learn while we move!  Awesome!!

Rachel, this was so good. The pacing ,the choice of a varied use of  describing a way to execute a movement for a desired goal, describing the goal and referring to it in many exercises. It does not get any better.
Thank you so much! I will do this class again ( more than once) and eagerly look forward to this whole series you have shared!  Thank you so much! Lelie Hughes
Karlin A
Your cues were so vivid, I could feel them in my own body as I watched your video. I am excited about using similar techniques when I teach my next class. This is excellent instruction for maintaining the integrity of classical Pilates.
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