Tune In<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 4905

Tune In
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 4905

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Sarah, I love all your classes and this one had my back feeling the best it has in years!!!  Thanks so much for all you do and sharing your gift...
Hi Ftnzlady,  Thank you for writing...Such a sweet treat that this class suited your needs so well.  Thank you for "playing" with me! Take care. 

So good for me today. I really appreciate your attention why and what to look for. It definitely elevates the experience taking class with you. I need another session in person! 
Thank you Kristi Cooper!  Such a treat that we can still "meet" to workout anytime anywhere...but I would LOVE to see you in person.  Let's do it! xo 
Sarah, this changed my whole entire day! I was down and did not have much energy despite a load of anxiety. This session was a message for my body and mind. I feel relaxed and my mind feels clear. Almost like I’m floating. Thank you for sharing your gift. I’m so grateful. 
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