Essential Flow<br>Regina Santos<br>Class 4884

Essential Flow
Regina Santos
Class 4884

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Jane M
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Thank you for this workout! The transitions were a bit fast for me, but I keep my computer keyboard next to my reformer - the space bar pauses/restarts the playback, so I can give myself an extra few seconds. I hope that one day soon I won't need to hit the pause button, so please keep up the pace - it's something to aim for!
Regina Santos
Cat T Thanks or working out with me! I hope to hear from you again! 
Regina Santos
Eden N Hi! Thank you for working out with me - I hope you enjoy the rest of the series! 
Regina Santos
Jane M Hi! Thanks for working out with me!  I'm sure that when you keep practicing you will reach those goals and you will flow straight through - and then it gets even better from there! Happy New Year! 
I love your classes Regina! Thank you for the advanced pace and work -- such a joy to complete a class like yours. I feel strong, centered, and grateful. :)
Amy A
Love this workout. There are a few times when the instructor is talking philosophy and switches to a new exercise without cuing it. Because I am on the reformer doing the exercise, I cannot see the screen, and got behind and had to get off the reformer and rewind and get set up again. Next time I do this routine, I'll know what's coming next and not get so thrown off. Great routine.
Nicole M
Nice movements, but I found the flow very erratic. It felt like I spent more time transitioning than moving. I've been teaching for 15 years and still found there was not enough time for transitions. 
More verbal cues would be helpful,  unless you knew what was coming or were watching the screen all the time, it wasn't easy to follow without pausing and restarting.
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