Rotation Focused Mat<br>Erin Wilson<br>Class 5244

Rotation Focused Mat
Erin Wilson
Class 5244

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This felt great to start my day. I really need the extra rotation work specifically on one side. Recovering from a pretty severe knee injury and this gentle class was excellent to stretch me out. Thank you. 
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Lacey wonderful! Rotation is so important, right?! I definitely have a side that needs more attention as well. I hope you are recovering well and quickly from your injury! 🙏🏻
Sue S
Erin Wilson Thank you, that was an excellent class.
Sue S you are so welcome! Thank YOU!
Thanks Erin!! Was really needing a proper rotational movement session today - I'm now feeling great 😊
Beautiful class! I forget how much the upper back muscles play a role in rotation. I feel much taller. Thank you!
Recovering from shoulder surgery, this was perfect for my tight torso. Live you Erin! Thank you Candace de la Fair
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