Teaching an Advanced Student<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 5338

Teaching an Advanced Student
Meredith Rogers
Class 5338

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1 person likes this.
Thankyou Meredith, you can always help us to think & work even deeper.
Niedra Gabriel
What a lovely class Meredith. Looking forward to doing it ( when I’m on a reformer ). So simple yet so detailed and thorough. Real treat 🙏
This class is magical! Thank you Meredith & Renata!!
Niedra Gabriel thank you for watching it.  It feels like a very long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing you in person.  Hope you are well.
Niedra Gabriel
Meredith Rogers yes, I know its crazy, we all live close by but never cross roads. It has been a long time.  Someday soon it will be fabulous to give you a hug .
Marithé Lessard
Very interesting , especially mermaid , and long box no spring , also lunge ….liked it .
Thank you ☺️ 
Niedra Gabriel I would LOVE to hug you
Marithé Lessard thank you for choosing it!
Joanna G
1 person likes this.
Those classes are so valuable for observation. Thank you both for recording. 
Joanna G thank you for this feedback.
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