Level Up Reformer<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5499

Level Up Reformer
Courtney Miller
Class 5499

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This is good I like the knee stretches with the box in short box position 
Tessa A
Great class, where do I find the foundation of this in which you discussed throughout ?please. 
Michele M
Really amazing flow and loved the short box variations before tree to warm up!  As always, your classes are such a treat, so much fun and challenging!  Thanks Courtney:D
Great class Courtney!
 I love your ques, and explanation of each exercises!

Marchel A
Tessa A there is a link to them below the video or you can just click HERE
Noelle R
Great session! Really love the power in breaking movements down to build them up.
Anya P
I loved this class and website, I have been training with free youtube videos and felt I needed to challenge myself a little bit more, well, It was very very challenging, this is the type of classes I have been looking for! Thanks!
When I think that I found the best Courtney's class...here comes another one!
That felt so good after taking a week off for xmas vacation! I didn't realize how good mermaid on the box was for loosening tight hips and the whole spine. Thanks!
11-20 of 20

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