1st Trimester Mat<br>Carolyne S.<br>Class 1045

1st Trimester Mat
Carolyne S.
Class 1045

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I intuit that this class may also be great for women with endometriosis. true or false?
HI Debbie, Yes your intuition is spot on. This is all about the pelvis and what it contains i.e the uterus. The breathing, rocking and intention may help with endometriosis. The program is geared towards emotional issues within the reproductive organs (birth, miscarriage, abortion, relationships etc).
Great class! Thank you so much
Wonderful class! I feel so connected to my body. I am about to enter the second trimester of my second pregnancy, and your focus on the pelvis work and release is fabulous. I'm hoping to have a VBAC this time around. Thank you for this gift, Carolyne!
this class is one of the best on pilates anytime! I just entered second trimester but have had no energy to do anything during my first trimester and so this class was all I needed to do today. I am also a pilates instructor and I feel how well rounded this class is without overworking a busy pregnant body. Thanks a lot!!!
Love all your other classes! Heading into my third trimester. Have not viewed this class yet. Is this appropriate for third trimester if I modify appropriately? Thank yo!
Wonderful class, what a lovely voice to listen to with very clear instructions. Can I ask that you clarify the piriformis stretch....i.e. Sit into opposite hip??? Thank you
The class was wonderful, thank you, just what I needed!
11-18 of 18

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