I, too, as a BASI alumni appreciate the opportunity to view Rael's workshops. I loved this because it not only confirmed what I have experienced in my practice and teaching but I always love and appreciate Rael's insightful, precise, thorough and passionate teaching style. I am also always grateful for knowledge of new or additional resources. Thank you, Rael!
Thank you so much Rael for this insightful and informative workshop. I am a BASI instructor struggling with shoulder impingement and I am finding this workshop incredibly helpful for my own shoulder rehab program. I am so grateful for you and your superb style of instructing.
Amy, thank you for watching this presentation about the shoulder. I have a particular interest, and visceral understanding, of the topic after going through 2 extensive rotator cuff surgeries. I sincerely hope that your impingement improves. Shoulders are intricate, fascinating and at times extremely painful. Focusing on working from a neutral position of the scapulae will help. All the best.
Hi Rael thank-you for a brilliant workshop. With regards to the "side bend" on the elbow, many for my clients have reported discomfort in the neck and shoulder that they are stabilizing on. Is there any cue I can use to alleviate this?
You are absolutely right, although this is an excellent exercise, some people do feel discomfort in the neck and shoulders. The best cue I find to use with people, and one I use for myself, is to separate the scapulae from each other, and pull away from the supporting arm. Essentially we are trying to recruit the serratus anterior and lower trapezius more profoundly. I hope this helps. Good luck!
Barb, I wish I could help you but I am not involved in the technical side of Pilates Anytime. However I am certain Kristi, or one of the others from the team, will get back to you and take care of your needs. They are all exceptional. Thanks for watching this presentation.
Barb ~ I am sorry you are having difficulties playing the previews. I noticed from your account that you were able to watch the first few minutes of some of the previews. The previews are two minutes long, so the video will stop playing at the two minute mark. If you continue to have difficulties watching the previews, please send us an email at contact@pilatesanytime.com so we can further help you with this issue.
I'm currently watching this video. Are there any printable materials to go along with it so I have pictures of the exercises at hand for future reference?