Foam Roller Release<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 1143

Foam Roller Release
Tash Barnard
Class 1143

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Beautiful Class, I loved the flow and the combination of challenge and stretch work.
Looking forward to seeing more x
Excellent! will use for classes and myself thanks Tash
I enjoyed class very much. My foam roller is made of firm styrofoam. Was it supposed to HURT so much at the end when we were rolling on our IT band? Is this an indication of some muscle weakness on my part or just something NEW to my body?
love this class!
This has been on my queue for ages and finally got to it today....fantastic!
Didnt like it at all! Very irritating class for me!
Really bad connection lately. The videos skip & stop frustrating.
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What an inspiring foam roller class for a student apprentice! I find I have a love/hate relationship with the foam roller. Some things just feel...painful. This class gave me great release in multiple places (although some of it still hurt)! Especially loved leg work. Great class! Thank you!
Amazing class, great balance of release and strength.
Good cues
41-50 of 78

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