Intense and Dynamic Mat<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 1178

Intense and Dynamic Mat
Rael Isacowitz
Class 1178

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This video is frustrating because he does not give enough verbal cues, and sometimes the camera angle doesn't even allow viewer to see what position he is in when he gave no verbal cue. For example, on spine stretch forward, he doesn't say whether the legs should be apart or together, and there is no camera shot of either him or the participants that shows how the legs are positioned.
Great fun can you come do one again soon in London!
Thanks Jo, I will be in "sunny" London in August 2015 to give a workshop, Marathon Mat® class and Mentor Program. I would be delighted to see you there!
what an inspiration and motivation,amazing
Great class. Fantástica. Una pena no poder estar ahí en persona.
La mejor clase, impresionante!!!!!!
Una clase maravillosa!!!, amazing!, wonderful!, impresionante
Me ha encantado!, fantástica!!!!
Lillian Beales - SA
Amazing class. inspiring!!
Amazing! I feel like a thousand bucks!
31-40 of 64

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