Fuse Pilates Mat<br>Mariska Breland<br>Class 1230

Fuse Pilates Mat
Mariska Breland
Class 1230

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1 person likes this.
Glorious! Haven't taken this class in a while even though it is in my favorites. Just going to have to find the extra minutes to take a 50 minute class on a more regular basis.
Thank you for letting me know you liked it!
Tamara L
I loved this class! Mariska you are one of my favorite instructors and I hope you lead more mat classes! The only thing I found tricky is the music was a bit distracting, but I did love this class.
tamara thank you! We tried to remove the music as it just didn’t work on video. You can’t use “real” music - and it just didn’t capture it how I use it at my studio. Good news is that I have lots of other videos, free of music. :) 
Once more very nice variation of some basic exercices that I cannot wait to "try" on my clients :o)
As far as the music is concerned, I have to confess that I have found it disturbing, but only due to the volume: it was too low to be really heard, but too loud to be overheard. I therefore prefer "all or nothing".
1 person likes this.
Great class, thankyou. I feel  challenged, stretched and ready to face the day!
Julie Lloyd
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You are a fantastic teacher Mariska. I always feel amazing after doing one of your classes. Thank you.
Laurence G
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Loved it. Will definitively be part of my favourites!
Every session I do with you I have new goals. Thank you!!! 
1 person likes this.
Love this one, such great variations, especially the side kicks and half roll downs at the end.
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