Fundamental Reformer 2<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 1281

Fundamental Reformer 2
Karen Sanzo
Class 1281

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Christine T
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great class, love all the cues. Half way through I remembered that portable full length mirror and used it when my head was facing away from the tv, looking forward to the next class. Thank you!
Karen Sanzo
you are most welcome.  I just filmed something similar this week at Pilates Anytime. More building on the fundamentals
1 person likes this.
I learn something or remember everytime.
Blair C
I've been away from my reformer while I had surgery and treatment. This has been the finest reintroduction to my body on the reformer.  This series is so helpful. Thank you. 
Absolutely brilliant Karen. The rotations with one strap were fantastic!
I’m so happy that I found this series! It’s great to review the fundamentals! Karen’s explanations, cueing & demonstrations are clear & precise. Whether you’re just starting out in your Pilates practice or a seasoned practitioner, I highly recommend this series.
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