Sarita Allen on Kathy<br>Sarita Allen<br>Discussion 1360

Sarita Allen on Kathy
Sarita Allen
Discussion 1360

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What an interview! From the inside out, no drama, GREAT information and gift. Thank you Cara and Sarita and PA
Jennifer W
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Thank you for sharing! So lovely! Kathy's legacy lives on.
Thanks for the interesting and passionate interview. Loved it.
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Tears. What a legacy!
thank you sarita- although I don't know you its impressive hearing how kathy grant instilled confidence in how and what you are as a pupil and teacher of movement.Integrity in training is a fantastic experience and keeps my job as a pilates teacher in london interesting love to see more of your experience of kathy grants work please more on pilates anytime love harvey
Now I understand why I love Sarita Allen as a dancer so much, beautiful!!!!
just found this interview, THANK YOU for sharing. Wonderful insight and felt emotion. x
Fantastic! Every dancer and Pilates teacher should watch this! A great bit of history....and thank you Ms. Allen!  A wonderful reminder about teacher integrity and ethics! PS.  I probably saw you dance with Ailey back in the day! Wonderful!
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