Pilates Mat Fusion<br>Jonathan Oldham<br>Class 1393

Pilates Mat Fusion
Jonathan Oldham
Class 1393

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Paola Maruca
1 person likes this.
Simply looooooooved this class. Jonathan, you are an amazing instructor. Perfect cueing. Rolling like a ball was very revealing
Looking forward to seeing more classes from you on PA.....Thank you!
Great class Jonathan! Really enjoyed the fletcher roll up. The classical of TPC and the grace of fletcher is a really nice combo. Look forward to more :)
2 people like this.
Simple, elegant, classical, refreshing: thank you ! See you soon on PA, I hope, Jonathan .
1 person likes this.
OMG Jonathan. I loved this class with your expert cueing and innate sense of fun. I can't wait to try it with my ladies in my next class. I always say we should have FUN with Pilates!!!
Wow! Thanks for these kind comments. I had a great time teaching this class to wonderful students.
Wonderful class, enjoyed every movement to the fullest . Thank you thank you!
Fantastic...thank you for sharing you! Fun yet disciplined!
very nice- glad you had in the description the tickle for those who might not have been consistent lately. this was a great way to get back in and add some new stuff. Loved the jeopardy theme, too.
Fantasticcccc!!!! Thank you!!!, muchas gracias!!! Eres Genial!!!
the video stuck on the 40th minute
1-10 of 18

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