Meditation<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 1407

Tom McCook
Class 1407

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Mia T
Thank you, Tom - and, as my grandmother used to say, "I appreciate you!" :)
Thanks you Tom. I really appreciated how body awareness was incorporated into this meditation.
Sue G
Love this meditation, thank you
Lovely to see meditation added to PA. Thank you :)
Marta M
thank you so much..i had to really push myself to meditate and now i feel better and it is a new beginning
Thank is very good and useful class for me.I like this teacher so much.
Enjoyed this meditation, thank you!
Love this meditation reminds me to stay in the now. thankyou
Loved it. So good for my mind body and heart/soul
Thank you ! It was great for my monday afternoon.
21-30 of 33

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